
“The Nelly track to which she contributed an iconic chorus is more than 20 years old...”

Super Mario World is just perfect. It’s the ultimate distillation of everything the SMB series brought to video gaming. The level designs are inspired and endlessly inventive. The movement is intuitive, but very deep (you can do SO MUCH with the cape!) The character designs are filled with personality. There are

I’d watch that.

Right I had to lol a little bit at supporting two whole children AND her mom. There are people supporting more folks than that on $30K a year.

So, a convicted rapist versus a petulant man-child YouTuber.

No thank you

Not sure there’s a place for him on these sites anymore, but apparently pro wrestler and Deadspin icon Virgil has died. RIP Virgil.

That depends on if you (as do I) regard ATLA as taking place in a post-nuclear WW3 world where mutations happened, and what is left behind from the old world evolved into the bender nations.

Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone ever refer to Horizon as “underrated”

Stop trying to make TENET happen!

Well if his agents also advised him not to say how much he loves a rapist (Vince McMahon) he shouldn’t have ignored them on that one.

Watch 1996's Barb Wire instead.

Seriously fuck your slideshows Kotaku.

Well, I mean, if the only Warrant song you know is Heaven . . .

If taking drugs was like watching Tenet, nobody would take drugs.

No. It’s C&C Music Factory’s song, because they didn’t credit someone how they should or whatever, doesn’t mean it’s not their song. They performed music for years before and after.

Yeah I didn’t get the hype either.

I put all my money into Mexican Lottery Tickets. 12 months later, I’ve had 900000% gains, $22 million net worth, while you’re begging for a 25% appreciation on the Bitcoin you bought too high. Have Fun Staying Poor Loser!

Just ban crypto already.  It’s only good for criminals and tax dodgers.

What, no Van Halen reference? Come on, now...