
Not to be disrespectful of this woman’s passing, but what exactly is the bar for who gets an obit on this site?

I mean, it’s such a lesser-known, niche kind of show, who can remember, really?

same here

TV commercials: The only place middle aged people hear pop music anymore.

Every one of these lists, every time.

GM will include a tape deck so you can play apple music with this adapter

She’s a decent actress. I’m sure she can *act* sincere.

Where is “Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3”?

What is this article about?

Honestly, the main issue with the series was mainly the gay panic for laughs. How the show treated Chandler for not being a “macho man” was bad even back then.

But no one told her it was going to be this way.

Friends was offensively unfunny back then too, Jen.

Yeah. Psycho will be remembered long after the birds is all but forgotten. Possibly Best movie ever made and most influential.

Also, Taken is not a revenge movie. He is motivated by his desire to get his daughter back. It’s a rescue movie.

a poor decision that a few people make.

Again, some people should just get a cat.

Won’t someone think of the drunks?

If you use the name of your pet or child as part of your password, please change your pet or child’s name at least once a year.”

This is child abuse.

Even Legally Blonde is a bit of a revenge film.