
Gotta admit, though, that Russia probably didn’t arrest her because she had some weed vapes. The whole thing looked like a hostage taking. With that as context, ol’ Kim there could have at least said something sympathetic. At least she was on brand with Baylor, a school whose men’s team was implicated in covering up a

Yes this woman is horrible, but Jesus H. Christ, give it up on Griner. She was NOT wrongfully imprisoned, nor were the drug charges bogus. The SENTENCING may have been extreme because of who she was, and the Russian drug laws may be ridiculous in themselves, but Griner did break the law she was imprisoned for

What happens if the US bans TikTok?

Rihanna’s fans are informally, collectively known as the Navy. Not sure why. 

Is Meg White a good drummer?

I did a presentation for university on the number of fatalities in Commando which included having to count them all beforehand.

Crispin Glover owned that movie so much that I damn near forget everyone else that was in it (aside, of course, from Dennis Hopper)--all I can recall about the rest of them was they didn’t look like they’d showered in a few months before they made the movie.

Apparently Ashley (the author) has never been to Japan.

Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”

This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality

Strong agree on this! They clearly got “most popular” and “best” a little mixed up. Also, the absence of The Replacements and Thumbsucker makes almost as little sense as the inclusion of his career-low Much Ado about Nothing performance.

Then what’s Rachel Blanchard been up to?

Malenia wasn’t an issue for me. Radahn wasn’t too bad. Margit wasn’t a big deal. I took them out in fewer than 10 attempts, each.

He’s robotic in both John Wick and The Matrix, so ranking them as the two best is intellectually dishonest. But they are his two most popular franchises, so they automatically get those spots. 

I love Point Break & would have that #1. I suppose his performance is not great it it but that’s what makes it work for me. Rivers Edge is my #2, Crispin kinda takes over the scenes he is in though.

I don’t believe you’re actually LOLing

I’m tired of remakes. Just give us a Persona 6

This! I’m tired of this rebranding of Paris Hilton as though she’s been missunderstood.

Counterpoint: Paris IS dumb, and while she might know how to tell the stories her moronic fans want to hear, she doesn’t know how to WRITE anything. She, like most celebrities who write a memoir, had a ghostwriter. Her contribution to this book was probably just speaking into a recorder for 8-10 days. I fully believe

I don’t know where the whole Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino film discourse came from (I’m also puzzled by the Unbreakable Shyamalan discourse), but I read it as not really liking Tarantino that much. It minimizes his most recognizable filmmaking traits in favour of a much more straightforward approach to the

I hope he does. I kind of wish that he’d just get on with it already, so he can start making miniseries or tv shows or made-for-HBO films or whatever half-retcon excuse he comes up with for technically retiring from film without actually retiring from being a storyteller. I mean, I know that some people found it hard