
Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

So far as I’ve ever been able to tell, Nintendo isn’t nearly as protective of their tangential projects like Nintendo Power, in the same way that I doubt they’d get upset over an archival set of game manuals or something. They’re in the business of reselling ROMs, not old magazines and booklets. And preserving the

Alanis Morrisette is a perfect goddess who has never done wrong

They are obsessed with Scorsese’s opinion because they know he is a real artist and filmmaker and that Marvel is shit watched by idiots.  

I miss when this site would possible reconsider calling anyone involved in a domestic abuse case a ‘sore winner’. It doesn’t matter who’s in the right, the snark just seems...too flippant and casual. If Depp is in the right, this is cruel. If Depp is in the wrong ‘sore winner’ still manages to trivialize what Amber

How many Matthew Perry Has A Book To Sell articles did the AV Club contract out for?

Depends on whether the Switch is part of the same generation.

My favorite 70's era American Luxury barge. I’ve always loved the look of this Lincoln, from the opera windows in the back, to the rear trunk tire bump-out, to a hood you could land a Dauntless dive bomber on. Now, baby blue isn’t necessarily the color I’d choose, but still... if I had Jay Leno money I’d find room for

She’s a streamer who is, with all due respect to her and what she does, is buoyed by the fact that people can go watch her fuck for days. She’s arguably most famous for how easily she (used to be able to easily) make herself squirt, an unfortunate outcome of her injury that she herself has mentioned but which has been

It’s her current career, she still does porn and that’s where 97% of her fame and income currently come from.

There’s really nothing he could say that would make me think that Keanu Reeves is anything but a darling darling man. And not for nothing but POINT BREAK, MOTHERFUCKERS!! Keanu AND Swayze I mean COME ON!! This coming from a dummy who shelled out $$ to “The Whole Nine Yards” in the theater! Give me Keanu over that shit

Clown without Pity should be higher purely for the Homer line “Marge, the dolls trying to kill me and the toaster’s been laughing at me”.

Temple of Doom was at least partly filmed in  Sri Lanka. Some of my relatives' relatives were famous film directors from there and could have met Spielberg but they weren't able to for some reason (they did meet Jamie Lee Curtis through the Cannes Film Festival, though). A lot of their usual crew did work with

Temple of Doom was the first Indy movie I saw in a theater, so it and these two have a special place in my kid heart. I’d share a bowl of eyeball soup with these two any day.

In actual gaming news Neo: The World Ends With You stealth launched on Steam Yesterday.

My dad had one as well, and as a topper was bedridden, so we had the job of changing it for him, they are not fun.

Terrible list. Where are Psycho and The Birds? The Legend of Hell House? John Carpenter’s Thing? The Woman in Black? Paranormal Activity? Try harder next time...

The problem was making Halloween 2 in between. You don’t shift to anthology mode in the third film after a normal sequel!

Resurrection is the prime example of a sequel so wretched, it legitimately damages the previous film.

I like Halloween H20, shame they had to undo all that with Resurrection.

FWIW I’d have put Wanda and Trading Places in top 2, though not sure which one is absolute best.

I agree with the point made about how regressive Helen Tasker’s role is in True Lies, before coming into her own. Despite that it’s a great film, if