
For all the talk about why Part 3 isn’t any good, Tom Hagan not being in it is what ruins it for me the most. It just doesn’t have the same feel right from the start with him not there. They really never should have went forward without Duvall on board.

This person is insufferable. Even with an indecent level of privilege she, like, can’t even produce a complete sentence. How can you even tell if anything she says is true she thinks she’s a farking Elf for pity’s sake.

She’s a white rich bitch. This isn’t how she “turned out” - she was always like this. She comes from a coddled, privileged background where she experienced little pushback or boundaries.

Speed 2 is not great, but I would take it over some of her rom-coms

Demolition Man is a great movie

Why shouldn’t she be? That movie owns.

There’s a vast difference between putting 20hrs into a fun game you like playing and grinding one viable race for 20hrs to get ONE car that’s not even close to the most expensive car in the game.

The term “review bomb” only applies to user reviews. There’s no need to define it further. 

you’re a gross person.

I was interested in GT7 until I heard micro transactions. NOPE.

The school boy shorts was a weird choice.

Wow. Who knew that these guys were Australian?

I once used Cyprus Hill liner notes as a source text for a high school paper on legalizing marijuana.

I hear their next album will be called Thriller.

Just googled searched this album. Somehow it’s already one of the biggest albums in music history. Impressive.

It is, it changed the business. WWF never goes with cursing Austin and heel vince if the NWO doesn’t happen and wrestling is stuck with the Dungeon of Doom on one channel and on the other is the GOON and Duke the Dumpster!

It would have been if Sting had beaten Hogan clean (also, if Sting had been in ring shape when he beat Hogan clean).

Hogan did cement that WCW was where all the stars were. I remember at one point in the late ‘90s switching back and forth between Nitro and Raw where WCW was in a huge stadium and there’s Macho Man and Nash and Hogan and all these guys and over on the other channel WWF has some dudes I’d never heard of in what looked

At the end of the day, Bischoff became too friendly with Hogan and Nash. He let them influence the trajectory of the whole company. Hogan’s creative control clause also hurt because Hogan wouldn’t let the belt stay off his waist for too long. Bischoff himself admitted that bringing Hogan in didn’t move the needle one

They should’ve let Sting beat Hogan and made the NWO the cool underdog faction again.  Egos wouldn’t allow it, of course.