
She just doesn't want to run the risk of being selected and having to go to Cleveland.

Yeah, I’m not sure the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has earned Dolly Parton.

the original wheels and exhaust are included”

To leave a comment like that? Nah, you just need to be a major asshole. 

So how is that going to work exactly? 

I feel for her but I don’t think the situation would be much different if Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine. Anyone traveling by air should know better than to bring illegal substances. Even if you’re traveling in the US domestically from one state where it’s legal to another state where it’s legal, technically because

She’s a habitual domestic abuser and apparently a drug user who’s not smart enough to follow rules. This is the “victim” you’re gonna defend today?  Surely there’s better ones out there.

A decision to cancel subscriptions was no feat after Visa and MasterCard pulled out. There was no way to collect the fees.

Or that’s exactly what he’s counting on because she regrets decisions she made in her youth and is trying to paint it as abuse.

Jackson is one of the most over-rated, over-the-top actors ever, and from what I’ve heard, a nightmare to work with.

You know literally nothing about that project or how much work has to be done

I’m sorry, is this a science based cookie dough?

Humans have had very little to do with rising temperatures.


Your input has been noted, nobel laureate in climate science Generic Internet Commenter.

Christine Taylor as Marcia Brady is one of the greatest casting choices in the history of film. She was fantastic.

Well, the important thing is you showed up to offer an Internet Comment.

Def Leopard

the hell is wrong with disco? I’ll never understand the hate such a joyful, inclusive genre of music got.