
“We never covered this in class.”

Still is declared valedictorian because the only other options were women.

Except Michael Scott had a kind heart and cared about people around him, minus Toby.


Honestly, who the fuck cares who gets credit for a program that betters other people’s lives? They want to start calling it Romneycare again? Fucking good, maybe they will do something the fix the problems that do exist in the system.

It’s like watching someone with the mental capacity of Jell-O stumbling onto the concept of Machiavellianism. “Uh, don’t do anything so people will suffer, but then give them some benefits so it’s a little better. But maybe that’s too mean, IDK?”

The truly ironic thing is that it was theirs. Thats why the Dems thought that they would compromise on it, but the Repubs are not a party of conviction, they’re just anti-Dem.

The guy has never done a day’s work in his life, either. He just surrounds himself with yes men who are willing to take the blame when trump fucks something up. He’s a boss, not a leader.

irony of ironies - it is their own. it originally was a heritage plan that got adopted by romney, and in turn by obummer. it is as good a capitalist plan can get.

Trump is like Michael Scott, just more clueless.

Literally nothing he has said since being elected hasn’t confirmed what we knew the whole time, that Donald Trump is a neophyte who has never actually done any hard thinking in his life, and whose only previous hard job was deciding which model he was going to hit on once he named them a winner.

But guys, he has to be smart because he’s a successful businessman.

I agree completely.

Pretty much this. If you’d said to the Founders, “The thing you’re making will last more than two centuries, then some guy you consider three-fifths of a person will get two terms, then everybody who freaked out about that will rally behind a psychotic orange goblin who is basically a figurehead of a foreign power and

Please don’t forget:


I think you mean “unpresidented.”

The death of American liberalism, in a classical norms-and-institutions sense- the lack of anyone who is both willing and able to advocate clearly and intelligently for classical liberal republican ideals - has to be one of the most remarkable and unremarked trends in American politics. These are and have been

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Two things he said this morning: