This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
You’ve accurately described the day to day humiliation of living inside a woman’s body. The good men are still trying to force us to believe we’ll be ok, which feels like an even greater assault than those actively assaulting us.
This is powerful and beautiful. Thank you, Madeleine.
Bryan Cranston has made some very bad acting choices
I always lived in liberal bubble cities (I grew up in Boston and moved to Philly as an adult) and enjoyed the subways, happy out gay people, art museums, live music of various types, good restaurants, all the liberal city stuff. I just moved to Allentown, PA and let me tell you, you should never leave the liberal…
what? why do i have to be the fucking change? why do i, a brown woman of color, have to change other people’s fucking attitudes? no. why is it that the answer to ending inequality and discrimination always rests on the backs of people of color? the fuck?
Or, we can have an electoral system that doesn’t give one fucking person in the Midwest the same power as like...I dunno...300 in California. That’s some bullshit. And it’s bullshit that people should be expected to relocate to balance out a system that should be balanced by design, intentionally. Not the shit show of…
These articles always illicit such an eye roll from me. Okay, great enjoy your perks but maybe try not to be so flip about those of us stuck in more rural areas of the country. It feels so much “I got mine suckas!”
Barf, SF weather. Who wants it to be 63 degrees in July and foggy?
Then make places that aren’t California and New York more attractive to move to. People flock to these places for a reason. Encourage arts and cultural exhibits, activities, etc. Have more jobs. Have things to do. And encourage the locals to be less dickish to people who aren’t white or straight or Christian (if…
Indeed - I often borrow tools from the climate and forget to return them, and the climate never gives me grief over it.
Can you with a straight face tell me my life will be better in a flyover state?
I have brown skin and I rarely know my place. I also like to let police officers know that I know my rights.
I can’t see myself having a goodtime in Bumbuttsville, Hickstate.
So chill, brah. Like, totally zen, even. Really amenable to realigning one’s chakras.
The California climate is super friendly and easy to talk to.
Counterpoint: California is responsible for awful techbros (te only other people you hear throwing around terms like “utopia” btw), the Real Housewives, a fairly alarming number of anti-vaxxers, and quite possibly the highest concentration of Scientologist. The whole extreme homelessness and insane gentrification at…
I just kind of assume they hate Jews a teensy weensy bit less than Muslims? Because that campaign got pretty anti-Semitic.
Or how you must protect the children but only until they need protection in the form of government aid. The other day I saw someone pull the “abortion is murder” argument and then when someone pointed it that no abortion means children who need welfare support, he said “it’s not my responsibility to pay for your…
I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.
Twitter is going to get us all killed.
1. Kerry should have made this speech 2 years ago