
I'm a big Riddick fan, but seeing him yet again being held in chains by mercs is getting very, very old. How many times have they used that same exact set-up in the other Riddick movies?

Some people believe that he accomplished so much because he was a clerk. While at that job, he was free from the peer pressure normally associated with an academic job. He had a job which allowed him to think in his own way. To daydream.

One that always annoys me is when people use Einstein's quote, "God does not play dice with the universe", as proof that Einstein was a believer. He was, in fact, a non-believer.

Excellent summary of this episode Annalee. You nailed it.

As a member of the Seminole Nation, if given a choice between Native American and American Indian, I choose American Indian. But it's like saying European for a white person, it's vague. If possible, most of us like being identified with our nation/tribe.

Very very cool story. I admit I love this stuff, and we are indeed in a golden era for DNA studies.

Where the Hell is The Forever War that Ridley Scott promised us?

Mark Helprin (Winter's Tale) is a fantastic writer, but Colin Farrell and Will Smith in the movie version? I smell a disaster in the making. I hope i'm wrong.

My first car.

I'm willing to give it a shot.

She is great character. As I remember, Gibson referred to her character as a "street samurai".

There's already a Venice of Florida. It's on the gulf coast.



Jim Beam. Wild Turkey. Makers Mark.

Jim Beam. Wild Turkey. Churchill Downs. Louisville Slugger.

Kayne West? Isn't that Kim Kardashian's latest bitch?

You're right of course, it's not a space opera. I forgot the subject of the thread for a moment. It's just a classic story that I would love to see turned into a film or miniseries.

I love the choice of music at the end of the clip.

As Clownclone pointed out, Ridley Scott has the rights to this story and it is currently in development.