Sucker for a '23 300C (formerly Magnum_SRT8)

Yes! That one. Such a nice build. Damn it only went for $19k? I would have bought it.

Mr. President, a second bridge has collapsed .....

The 550 Maranello had a leather-wrapped roll cage.

I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power.

There is an entire Facebook group dedicated to RVs with headlights/taillights from different automobiles.

I’m at a point where I don’t think we should be fighting to keep idiots alive any more.

So, it’s in good shape, but just under the water?   Anyone know where I can get a 39 Packard for daily driving?

Thanks for the SRT8 Magnum pics. I have a Torred 05, it has rust and its my 4th car, but I cannot gather up the courage to sell it. I’ll probably keep on dumping money on it, for love.

Oh, say, can you see that mistake?

Say what?  From March 20th:

E38 7 Series

‘96 Impala SS.

The Ford Maverick. Go from a chunky compact car:

Get a grip. BMW turn signal engineers manage to keep it together. Be more like them. 

That’s all

Let’s start all articles with quotations from Miranda Priestley. That was a riot reading this article in that tone.

Step 1: Obtain a 2 door of this, in orange, with the normal roof

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

I’m pretty stoked, I think all of these are home runs. Especially the I6 turbo versions. I’m glad to see a domestic company that has the courage to replace a V8 with a turbo 6.