
The launched missiles were to destroy an airstrip so planes carryimg chemical weapons can’t take off. Maybe they took out some of the planes and weapons in the process.

I hate Trump and I’m disgusted by his party and the people that are running this country. But on Monday I had to watch a bunch of innocent children laying on the ground gasping for air like dying fish. I’m sorry, but I totally approve of his actions tonight.

Dear NATO and the U.N., We did exactly what should have been done the first time chemical weapons were used in Syria by Assad.

P.S. It could have already been over years ago sparing thousands of civilian lives. U.N., Please get your head out of your ass and prove that you are still relevant.

Signed, The U.S.

Listen up. I know this is a level of nuance people here seem incapable of processing, but it’s entirely possible to evaluate ways something could have been avoided, point out mistakes made on either side of as situation, without reassigning blame away from the party who actually caused the problem.

Not blaming him — as I recall stating, the cause was a poorly secured load, which is the fault of the truck driver.

Also a hood, unless any service requiring access to the engine requires the body to be removed. I guess it doesn’t need a trunk, but its weird not to have one

I actually like it, but it does look like catfish.

Thank you so much for a reasoned response! (I am accustomed to vitriol on this subject). I would say that the -£350m people make more sense, for the following reasons: first, the Sovereign Grant percentage has gone up to 25% from 15% to pay for the Buckingham Palace repairs; and second, there is no way that the Brand

Sadly, we don’t get a day off to celebrate our loss of the colonies and eat too many hot dogs or set off fireworks.

Odd my father indicated the Canadian models made a particular beverage called teafee- as they couldn’t tell if it was tea or coffee

the 1.9 diesel isn´t bad, even in Opels, the engine is good, but you would have to get one without FAP

“At least all we did was threaten the Americans with nuclear annihilation for a few decades and force Donald Trump on them. Blasting our communications network with nonstop Bieber songs though? That’s just... you go to The Hague for crimes like that.”

What about a LandCruiser 70series with the 1HZ diesel. No electronics, no anything. With regular maintenance those things rack up well over half a million kms without issue. You should be able to source an lhd one easily

I paid $1600 for mine (the one above) 2 years ago, I’ve got it listed for $1800 (a fair price since I put about $1,000 of parts into it). Mine is a weirdo spec 2wd, V6, 3 on the tree, no power steering or power brakes.

A rust free K5 Blazer, an ex-military CUCV M1008 or M1009, with the non-turbo 6.2 Detroit Diesel. Not fast, but it’ll keep running long after the body turns to dust. The Blazer can serve double duty, plus there are spares for days. You’ll find those things at every airport and military base for the next 100 years.

Years ago I worked with a guy who had been a Sea Bee in Cambodia and Vietnam in the early 70s. As a Sea Bee officer, George was issued a brand new (at the time) GMC truck. Now, here in the US those old trucks are generally known to be tough as nails, but George said the Cambodian roads were rough enough to break

Buy from California, Arizona, Oklahoma or Texas, get something pre-Fuel injection generally 84 or earlier. Pre 1980 US trucks had no emissions control, try to find one that’s had hardened valve seats installed.

The deleterious effect of the change on the show is not in question.

Here. I’ve picked two of the best episodes for the first five seasons. There are a lot of other great builds, but these are the two bests. Some of the stuff I’ve not mentioned from the later series, like the Bond Bug or the Mini Moke, or that Mini the kitted out in every single aftermarket mod available for the

I’ll be removing the program from my DVR as well. I don’t like Velocity’s decision and I sent THEM the email detailing how they just lost another viewer due to their stupid insistence on ruining one of the last remaining intelligent programs on their channel. Still, I’m not going to scream at Mike for his choices.