
Imagine the conversation at an investment bank....

For who? Who is getting the cash here my Russian friend?

The main snag is that a replica is, in fact, not the car in question. I’m sure you’ve climbed into something from the 1950s or 1960s and it is utterly impossible to recreate that experience. Given enough cash you can recreate anything, but not the feel or the experience - I do understand what you’re saying there.

Thoroughly enjoyed this and the photography is top notch as well.

Looks like Michael Moore to me, but I have had one or two drams of the best Scottish malts I could pick up on my travels...

I’ll take issue with that. The Russian people aren’t our enemy, but the current administration is looking to dismantle NATO through proxy actions in Eastern Europe, supporting the dissolution of the EU where they can...

It has to be a Boeing - you can’t have the president of the USA being flown about in an Airbus any more than you could have him or her being chauffered about in a Maybach or a Rolls Royce - but Boeing is already producing an excellent successor to the 747 - the 777X.

I think you’re confusing a kit car with a replica. I know it looks like splitting hairs but the former is a cheap knock-off using an existing vehicle as its base, the latter is custom built from the ground up.

In a sense, but at least they fulfil a design criteria that most us can nod our heads at, even if we wouldn’t spend our own money on them. The CRV and RAV4 are soft-roaders that can, at a pinch, be used off-road if required, the Honda more so than the Toyota but both are properly useful on a day-to-day basis.

I sincerely hope you’re wrong and I really have no idea of the state of play over there. There is opinion and there is intelligence-based opinion; I have no access to the latter and, to be honest, never did even in the military. Very few do and those that choose that route are viewed with deep suspicion and made to

Fuck yes. But this article is not about that. I have hours of footage of airforce types swearing about little things like rations and shirts, and properly swearing when we come under small arms fire whilst dropping off food in a place that had basically been decimated. We’re dropping off food and you want to kill us...

Completely agree, but this is a new author with a new style. It’s not how I would choose to do it, and the prose isn’t as well considered as Rogoway’s, but the research and knowledge is there.

I kind of lament the ‘good old days’ when we’d intercept the Russians, wave at them, they’d wave back and we’d all get on with our lives. It’s not that they didn’t shove us, looking to judge our response, but you knew the people who were carrying out the orders were human beings, doing their duty and putting

I can think of better ways to spend the money, even staying inside the BMW range.

A taciturn seat? Well, I can’t fault you literally, but I’m struggling to see this article as poetry devoted to the Volvo seat. Which is awesome - the seat, not your prose.

Heh, a very fair observation.

Fuck it. Because I don’t like making enemies or intentionally insulting people online, here’s my reply to someone else who also likes this.. thing. Accept my apologies if you feel insulted or in any way slighted in my previous posts.

Your last paragraph hits the nail on the head I think.

I think we’re done then. Shame. Could have been amusing.

They’re not terrible. Just pointless! If you want an SUV, there are better cars than this. If you want a sedan there are better cars than this. If you want a coupe, if you want an off-roader.. etc, etc...