
Can personally vouch for the no lights when it rains principle I don’t do that and I’m a terrible driver

Pot meet bad bad kettle. Big Macs are dangerous but you won’t get a ticket for leaving one out, even if someone were to eat it. Cigarettes are super dangerous but there’s no law forbidding you from ashing one out with tobacco left over - even if someone else smokes it.

“it’s better to put rules and stipulations into a lease than to be butthurt when people act a way that you don’t like but is totally allowed via the contract YOU drew up”

Vandalism? Unless it’s outright forbidden on the lease, which you as a landlord get to write up, it’s just damages associated with living there. That’s what security deposits are a for and that’s why you have renters sign a fucking contract to ensure they treat your property the way you want it treated

That or you actually value ride quality

Not to the innocent kids we keep bombing.

This is the internet comment board equivalent of dropping trou and yelling about how big your dick is. What are you doing, we can all see how tiny that cock is

Doubtful as, i dont know of you remember this, one of HW’s immediate relatives did run this election and no they were not dogged about NAFTA. Not to mention he has got to be one of the more forgetable recent presidents. Think of the shit forgotten about memorable presidents like Reagan - hell even Clinton was caught

Yeah surely Mike’s star power would have protected his job in this a field that fired Jeremy fucking Clarkson. Yeah comparatively Brewers real untouchable. Velocity doesn’t give two shits about Mike or Ed, they could get two other grease monkeys if they needed to

Exact same dilemma - so I got what I will now call daddys 12 lb-ft deficient disappointment

What, like an Irish monk?

He would almost certainly list himself five times

“We’re defending against [any dissenting opinion I don’t like]”

Excusing lost jobs as “they can just get another one” is about as insipid a way of thinking you could get.

Also would really love to see some proof that the EPA’s environmental benefits being “highly questionable”. Like from a scientist who studies these things and not from some manufacturer lackey

The primary role of a government is to govern you muppet

As a TLX owner do yourself a favor and get the 4cyl instead of the V6 - you’ll avoid so many headaches

Everything the 3 is but more expensive and less fun to drive

Humor and reality are mutually exclusive?

I exclusively use the body conditioner on my balls so my fingers won’t smell when I scratch em.

I exclusively use the body conditioner on my balls so my fingers won’t smell when I scratch em.