Heck they even took the Firefly character model and movements and just straight up put him in there (unless WB Games took it from Rocksteady in Origins).
Heck they even took the Firefly character model and movements and just straight up put him in there (unless WB Games took it from Rocksteady in Origins).
Yet the events of Origins are referenced in Knight, both by characters & easter eggs placed around the game world.
You won’t see this Mustang in Europe again, but we should be able to buy them in the States this summer.
Which makes it even harder to take that guy seriously or want to fund his game.....He bailed on Day Z before it was even finished and now expects people to believe that he has what it takes to make a new game and actually stick around through its development
Oh, okay. I didn’t know that. Still, these things in game purgatory should be finished before new projects get started.
There’s no stated budget or goal for the sequel, but it does have several reward tiers, ranging from £50 (about $45 USD) for basic access to the game to £10,000 (about $11,342)
Gears of War Ultimate Edition is coming to PC. The Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson announced a PC version of the game tonight during the PC Game Show at E3 2015. Fergusson could not comment on the chances of Gears 4 coming to PC as well at this time.
Brutal Doom did it first
yeah this is pretty much DOOM. as a dude who has every id shooter in physical form, nicely preserved in the original packaging about 1 foot away from me, I am pleased.
Ummmm fat32 doesn't need defrag either, but you go ahead and enjoy your overpriced drives for 10 seconds of speed LMAO
I don't think it's worth installing an SSD unless you're willing to pay for one with at least 500gb of storage space. Considering a lot of games are 30+ gb it's not worth having the extra speed only to have your SSD fill up after about 10-15 games, forcing another swap.
Another option is a hybrid drive. SSD-like performance in most cases, with the storage capacity of a regular hard drive. http://kotaku.com/upgrade-your-p…
Huh! Despite all the blind hatred it actually looks good! How about that :D.
not at all, a $700 machine could easily handle it.
You are gonna have people waiting around in bushes to snatch and grab those packages when they arrive. I can also see it being open season on these things as people will try to shoot them down over open fields
A day after Amazon Prime Air launches, I will bet cash money (say... 50p) that someone will either shoot a drone out of the air with a gun, or ensnare it with a big net to get the goods.
This is what happens when Tim runs out of stuff to screencap. And Deadspin has nothing to post.
Microsoft would like to have a word with you.