I know someone who’s running a pirate copy of Windows 7 and he got the little Windows 10 icon and reserved a copy. What gives?
I know someone who’s running a pirate copy of Windows 7 and he got the little Windows 10 icon and reserved a copy. What gives?
He left the Day Z team a long time ago
This oozes old school DOOM gameplay! I’m also getting strong Wolfenstein TNO and Bulletstorm vibes. 2016 is going to hell.
Are we watching different footage? Because what I’m seeing looks like Brutal Doom on a berserk pack
Because it’s “just another shooter”. Honestly, I wonder how many of the cynics are forgetting just how much they enjoyed the last Wolfenstein. Memory of a goldfish smh
I'd want to be the gunner just so I get to say that one famous Star Fox quote :)
I'm playing on a 40" Samsung HDTV, 1080p ultra settings, 60fps... my AMD build cost roughly $50 more than an X1. And I can use your "superior" Xbox controller if I want to.