I don’t know, his son might become President of the United States some day if he keeps throwing temper tantrums about meaningless shit whenever he doesn’t get his way.
I don’t know, his son might become President of the United States some day if he keeps throwing temper tantrums about meaningless shit whenever he doesn’t get his way.
Watch Santa Clarita Diet, it has a few of your requirements.
As the son of an officer, his membership in the Hitler Youth would have been mandatory. It does not make him a Nazi. Some Germans actively tried to fight what was going on in their country. A lot of them were executed. A lot of their families disappeared. Broad painting every German as a ruthless killer of Jewish…
I saw an interview with some of the midgets that played the Munchkins and the main thing they remarked about is how amazed they were so many other little people like themselves existed. So they were hooking up left and right. Many of them found future husbands and wives because of the film.
I see an obvious was around this.
Hypothetical situation goes two ways. Either the fetus’ father is reasonable and just signs off. Or the fetus’ father is an asshole and then the relationship is dead anyway. So then the woman can just have any man sign off on it, claim she was having an affair. It doesn’t say that…
One of the most brilliant bits of the GotG movies are the soundtracks. Not only are all the songs great and work well to enhance the scenes, they wrote a specific storyline to underpin how valuable that music was to Peter—the last bit of his mother and her love for him that he could still hear, over and over.
I’m agreeing with everybody that it was the booze. But I’m loving all the Noni!!! So much Noni!! And now she’s a meme:
Honestly, it sounds like it’s whimpering “Help me” and begging for the sweet release of death.
I hate when people do this. Just the other day I almost unfriended a couple of folks who took George Michael’s death (which hit me hard as a former 80's teen) to be smug about shitty superficial pop music. I’m like, if ever there is a time and place to just shut up and let people be, it’s when they’re grieving someone…
And wee Gary, he was her ES animal,not just a pet, and no one can explain it to him. The idea of him looking for her....
Gary! ♥ Someone hug him for me!
Safe journey, Princess. I hope you find your Alderaan.
Bobby’s detailed description is lacking in details of importance and a slant that I suspect is what he was initially looking for.
I don’t understand why it upsets people or that why they would be offended by someone calling themselves a “dogmom” or “dogdad” they aren’t taking anything away from you. They aren’t trying to get front row parking at Toys R Us. Let people have their joy where they find it, they aren’t hurting anyone. Do you get mad…
There’s been a lot of incredible cosplay over on our dedicated cosplay site throughout 2016, but this is the time of…
The trailer for this cat documentary Kedi, about street cats in Istanbul, truly warmed my heart. I hate to be smarmy…
There is an obvious answer that no one is addressing.