
Or you could go to AO3 and choose from a seemingly endless supply of Spike\Buffy, Buffy\Angel, Buffy\Angelus (ick), or my personal fave, Spike\Tara.

What all these articles are missing is that Kindle Unlimited is why these crazy books have been read by so many. If you are subscribed to Kindle Unlimited you can try all sorts of smutty and bizarre books without having to pay for them. So I can go and download five alien romances and not feel bad about ditching it at

No. They work only on cases involving the Navy, but Gibbs is the only one who actually served in the Navy. Tony was a Baltimore cop, Kate was Secret Service, McGee was fresh out of MIT, Ziva was Mossad, Bishop was FBI, Torres was always with NCIS but in the Deep Undercover unit until joining the cast, and Reeves was

His jam with everlast fucking kills. Also, now I'ma listen to everlast. 

Gotta disagree, loved this episode. Loved the 80s vibes and shout-outs. Deke was hilarious throughout, i especially loved Deke’s action hero moves & lines, as well as Mack and Deke staring at each other as Mack realizes that Deke inserted sexpot Daisy into his game. May’s battle was fun as well. Partially i think i

And in the eventual sequel series, their tall redhead daughter can be played by Karen Gillan. Make this happen, Hollywood dream factory!

Ouch our neighbours in Finland have it really bad indeed. And yes, health care is equally bad here in Norway. In 7 weeks my first son will be born, and my wife will enjoy a free hospital stay as well as 34 weeks paid leave after birth. And I, as a man, get 15 weeks paid leave to be a father in the beginning. A big

Canadian here, my wife gave birth last year... We received free ultrasounds and prenatal testing throughout, free access to midwifery care, free access to a birth centre that was like a hotel suit with a fireplace and a tub. My wife had complications, we were transferred to a hospital (for free), had an emergency

Now playing

Real winner and should have been nominated:

Were you also 12?

Have I got a Twitter for you:

Everyone who claims to be “Pro-Life” needs to hear what Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun has to say about the movement.

Even the Chairman from Iron Chef America is trying to kill him!

Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger:

The only pozole I’ve ever had is a red one. And it’s amazing - and all about the condiments even after all the work (making pork broth, simmering and pureeing dried peppers, etc but still using canned hominy).

This news is only shocking to people not watching the show.