EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Bethesda and Warner Bros. all announcing “AAA” games without Season Passes/DLC/Always-online requirements.
EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Bethesda and Warner Bros. all announcing “AAA” games without Season Passes/DLC/Always-online requirements.
I like how you mentioned the cyclical nature of 3D as a fad, but should’ve brought up some other times Sega returned to the idea instead of just Nintendo’s return attempts with the Virtual Boy and 3DS later on. I mean, if you don’t mention Holosseum in an article like this now, when WILL you get the chance? Never,…
“The American Meatloaf” is an insult to Meatloaf.
I’m amazed that train companies don’t advertise more aggressively. C’mon Amtrak - start running ads with the tagline, “Hey you dopes; we’re not the Airlines. What are you doing!?”.
“The monkeys were deprived of sleep for 30 to 36 hours”
This is all well and good, but not enough Chicken Nugget talk for my tastes :P Guess I’ll just listen to that one Doughboys podcast where the hilarious Jon Gabrus ate 62 McNuggets in a “Chicken Nugget Power Hour”, handedly besting the other guest and the hosts of the podcast... I mean sure, they all felt like dying…
“Miočić ”... “Jędrzejczyk”...
This is not cool... right? Or, like... is it awesome?
Unfortunately, this doesn’t matter much unless other political parties - Dems, Libertarian, Green, shit even less conservative/more sane Republicans - can start swooping into communities like these and helping these types of people “get woke” so that they STOP GIVING THEIR DISTRICTS TO PEOPLE LIKE HIM.
Try Blade Symphony, my man. Its absolutely a modern take on all the concepts and ideas present in Bushido Blade, even if it looks more like... I dunno, Warframe mixed with NeoTokyo or something.
West Virginia is just begging for some gentrification. Everything is so cheap there, and there’s no industry of worth or any based in the modern millenium - its a baffling thing that a group of hipsters haven’t moved in and set up a bunch of organic farmer’s markets, internet startups, coffee shops and whatever else…
“I’m not sure which is worse, that these were attempts to fix races or that individuals who are responsible for the dogs are doing cocaine,”
Oh shit, its Golden Week? The PSN, and Steam, should have some great sales on Japanese games then!
Its Legend Maker all over again. And just like that game, losing the Nintendo name means losing all the attention Ninty fanboys shower you with. They’re not smart consumers - that’s why most Nintendo owners don’t buy games outside of Mario/Zelda/Mario Kart/Smash Bros. and have pathetic collections :/
“Don Rickles died just so you wouldn’t ask him to do this gig. “ - lmfao
I always play Rap Minstrels in RPGs. They’re the best class; using [expletives] on crackers is always super effective :P
Well it could be worse. Be thankful they’re not letting anyone here use weapons in their fight
Well he shouldn’t encourage his kids to ride like he does, on normal streets, like that’s what you’re supposed to do with bikes. Take your bike to a park and ride on bike paths, in your neighborhood... and that’s pretty much it. Go to places like Traillink.com to find good places to take your bike - ffs, get off…
“... and ‘sandsta’ (it’s a sandwich but it’s also pasta) were floated and ultimately rejected as ‘not viral enough,’”