I’m pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say, “I don’t want to live in a Cincinnati where our “Great American Tower” doesn’t look like a Giant Penis!”
I’m pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say, “I don’t want to live in a Cincinnati where our “Great American Tower” doesn’t look like a Giant Penis!”
I bet that season will still manage to be less catastropic. Like, even if they just put chairs out on the court with Jerseys on them... the other team could trip over the chairs and theoretically quit due to injury
It’ll almost certainly be as good as Ghost in the Shell or Attack on Titan’s live action adaptations. It’ll look fine, but be boring... and probably change some things for arbitrary reasons that make no real sense
“’I did call him an asshole,’ Dolan tells me, ‘because he is an asshole.’”
This kind of popularity is why Bugs Bunny wants to Space Jam with you, Lebron.
You guys can mock him now, but he clearly is doing that Tom Cruise thing, so when he’s 50 he’ll only look like he’s in his late 20's.
You could also use Vivaldi as your Browser. And DuckDuckGo for searching instead of Google or... um.... uhhhhh...... Bing?
Spanish is objectively a stupid answer. Mandarin - or one of several Chinese dialects - is a no-brainer, but man, going from forehead-slappingly obvious good choice to such a dumb one is astounding. No nation that speaks Spanish contributes much to the global economy. No one’s talking about those business trips…
This is real neat, and I can’t concentrate on it at all because that video is super annoying. I can’t tell if the narrator is a nerdy guy, an little old lady, or an Alpha-5 style robot of some kind. What a bizarre voice.
Monster Trucks are just big RC cars. Which is why it boggles my mind that no one has yet made a competition about who can do the coolest shit in life-size versions of these:
This isn’t sports. Find me a video of baby pandas playing soccer and then we’ll talk.
“Well, you got the right answer but I’d rather see Kevin’s play”
“one station did email the day after the broadcast, asking for Chop and Steele’s credentials.”
Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Face... God, I really want someone to photoshop Guy Fieri’s hair onto this Oompa-loompa now :)
This world is dismal - how can some people not read that as a joke? This is why sitcoms are terrible now; there’s just a sector of the population looking to be triggered at any freakin’ little thing. And then get annoyingly vocal about it for, I dunno, 12 hours before moving onto something else that doesn’t affect…
I hope this is the death knell for Japan’s fascination with that damn hairstyle (I forget what its called). They appropriated from greaser culture, if memory serves, well after the rest of the World was like, “This looks stupid”, and I’ve been waiting for Japan to realize that too for decades. It clearly looks stupid…
Its a handheld. Who the heck wants to hear it beeping out Wii Shop “muzak” when you’re in class? Be sensible - silence is the right choice for a handheld.
This is how Street Fighter should look. Fuck that weird asshole with a fetish for fat thighs and enormous hands & feet who’s driving its art style thoroughly into the ground currently - THIS is Street Fighter. Capcom better not fuck up any potential future SF games by continuing on with the horrid art direction…
Sweet. A new podcast to listen to :)