“named Jasen White (who seems like a good guy even if he’s confused on how vowels work)“
“named Jasen White (who seems like a good guy even if he’s confused on how vowels work)“
Ultimate Team is a disgusting plague unto gaming. Holy shit. That number truly disgusts me. ffs, people
Its really hard to find largeness tho :)
I hope Nomura doesn’t fuck this up for CC2. One of those two things can put out excellent games. The other is Tetsuya Nomura :P
Looks cool. Seems like a terrible fit for Mobile. I’m sure people who play it won’t care though - they’re just in it to be addicted to cards :/
Of course Optimus (something) would win; who the hell is Star Saber or Deathsaurus?
I just keep playing NFL Blitz on my PS3. From whatever year it was the EA made it. 2014, maybe? I dunno - its still good. No late hits, tho :(
“Never go to the comment section on Breitbart.”
Guys, guys, its cool. Breitbart just hired Tommy Wiseau as their new interview director :P
Watching this video just makes me wish there was an alternate version of track and field sports where every runner had a Skip-It on their ankle.
They fact that this finally moves beyond old carts and lets you play CDs is HUGE to me. The fact that its a crowdfunded thing is also huge, but in a negative way. I didn’t pledge to either, but I still remember “successes” like Ouya and Gamestick that did nothing, and failures like the Coleco Chameleon (Retro VGS).…
Nah. It wouldn’t be uncomfortable, more like disappointing.
YES! Good for pointing this out.
God that’s brilliant. Just make up words when it comes to taking a stance. You can’t offend people either way if you’re talking about stuff that doesn’t make sense to any other mind besides your own :)
“Miyamoto continued, ‘Nintendoʼs software developers have mastered state-of-the-art technologies such as Unreal engine, and their skills can now be compared with those of Western developers.’”
Nintendo is full of bullshit and their legion of blind fanboys (thankfully shrinking more and more every year) are annoying as hell to put up with this kind of sh**.
I was looking forward to Bossa Studios’ (World’s Adrift, Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread) “Decksplash” to fill the skating void myself :)
It’s almost certainly a mobile game. You know that, right? Whatever game Tony Hawk is working on by himself apparently (since no publisher has mentioned it) would absolutely be a small-time thing. Like Shaquille O’Neal and Shaq Fu: The Legend Returns... I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s mobile. If it isn’t... wooo... smh
How about you guys don’t forget, for once? Maybe remember something. Like, for instance, how horrid EA is now? How their designs are garbage, and they love crap like microtransactions, Frostbite, and Season Passes/Pre-order shenanigans? That they can’t make Skate 4, because they don’t know how to make games like Skate…