Magical Bean

Transactivists want to control the narrative. But they can’t. They can write these reactive slam-the-cis-perspective articles until their heads fall off.

Boxer braids serve a utilitarian purpose for fighting in the ring. The fact that they became popular with women as a result of the UFC means that women admire women in the octagon & somewhere deep inside want to be like them. Black people don’t get to police it.

What messed with me: I loved the movie but noticed only one women climber who died. The rest were men, with wives at home. Only later reading articles did I learn there were other key women in that story: Charlotte Fox, Sandy Hill Pittman, etc but the movie erased the female climbers. So it was man v Everest, except

So the gay guy must be a good guy then, a hero, or else the audience gets upset?

Yeah you’re right. The author is suggesting gay characters can’t be psycho because it’s some kind of stereotype but there are gay psychos. Look at Dahmer.

Christmas with your elderly relatives? Ageist much?

Hooked for the first half of the season is what I meant.

I wanted to like the Mist. I was hooked for the first season then it just got stupid. I hate it when otherwise intelligent characters do stupid things. I also hated the way Jay died. Very lame. The loss of that character made me lose interest. So did the incest bit. There was no foreshadowing and it really didn’t make

Yeah but problem he backed into the mall with his daughter in the backseat.

She’s not too anything. I’ve never heard her comedy. I don’t know who she is. That would be a good start. Figure out whether or not she’s actually funny.

They should make it up to her, take her out on a ride, honor her for her interest in law enforcement.

A principal would undoubtedly deny bullying in his/her school. So that’s kind of meaningless.

Transwomen are transwomen. That’s not a debate. But are transwomen women? That’s definitely an ongoing debate. And it should be. Pretending it isn’t a debate is an attempt to silence those who wish to debate it. Slapping labels, like “transphobic”, on those who wish to debate it is also an attempt to silence debate.

I want to know how many of these crimes were committed by men.

What’s strange is he was charged with 5 felonies in January but wasn’t in jail for some reason. He had a history of violence. He was barred by a judge from having guns. He had them anyway. 

Yes, I actually have defended those people. But I’m not on trial here. Nor should I be.

Does the wife have a name?

One glaring omission: What percentage of the offenders were men?

The school is conducting its own investigation. Is that like cops and their investigations into their own?

What about Black female youths?