
I’ve watched two pre-season Chargers games, and in each game the broadcasting team or the sideline reporter have both “reported” on the ballot measure coming up for the Chargers’ new stadium and how important it is for it to keep the Chargers in San Diego.

You couldn’t pay me to go to the Olympics in Rio.

Most people couldn’t name a WNBA player if there life depended on it.

Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out - George Carlin

I guess the only way a black man can get protected by the authorities these days is directly related to how many touchdowns he’s scored in the previous season.

Everything is over sold in today’s bubble. Nintendo’s stock just went up 8 billion because of some stupid Pokemon Go mobile app.

“Guys, don’t be like me and just shoot whenever you feel like it”

Institutionalized racism is a glitch

yes, google “Tyson Fury”. Hell, Mike Tyson is even speaking at Trump’s GOP convention palooza.

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“No one has even come close to pulling it off. I often fear that our highly individualistic heroes cannot, by nature, work with each other to stop billionaires from bending them over the table. I hope that I’m wrong.”

EA as a company is such a twat nugget. I feel bad for the programmers and QA people who makes these games for them.

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In the sports journalism biz, we call this, “score only”

She knew. She’s been on the site before because one of Portnoy’s beats on the site is to find out as much information/pictures on women in the sports journalism scene as much as possible.

LOL well done!

David Portnoy has that scummy look of a porn director coming off a 10 day cocaine binge.

A) First of all, this guy is relatively attractive. I mean, he got picked to go on TV. He’s TV attractive, and TV attractive always gets pussy.