Maggoty Bread

“and roll back environmental regulations that protect our air and water.”

Next time try having more dead people vote democrat.

When that day comes let me know...

Please! start a petition! a GoFundMe! I would contribute to that idea the west coat is the gooch of America.

And don’t forget President Obama who has put this country so far in debt that we will never get out of it.

LOL! keep it coming these delusional diatribes riddled with toothless faux anger are entertaining. Unless you want to start carving out your oppressive Socialist utopias on the east coast or in California shutup and hold on! Otherwise you have a large portion of the country that will meet you in antithesis anywhere

Funny how advocating to vote for a Socialist Mafia Don like Hillary Clinton
equates to preserving American democracy...the lefts delusion knows no bounds.

True democracy with the higher education system as it is? no thanks!

So i have herd.....

Number of shits given.....0

Exactly, go back yo eating your grass.

San Francisco is a product of leftist group think don’t blame it on capitalism blame it on over regulation and rules that provide no incentive to build new housing. Free markets work best when those participating in it are allowed to succeed or fail.

So you mean Hillary herself? you think she takes advice from anyone?

“Five or six of these ‘Satans’ as they are known by the US military, and the East Coast of the United States disappears.”

You missed the point where delores once aware could not be shot.

So then all the release emails from wikileaks during the bush administration were fabricated as well? thats good to know.

*as long as it supports your political bent. i.e. Assange was doing a good thing when he was going after the Bush administration but its a scandal and or everything is fabricated when he goes against the Obama administration.

You have absolutely no way to quantify your wacky assertions.

Climate control only exists in automobiles and houses.

Lander went splat!