Maggoty Bread

I love Karl Marx! (sure to get ungreyed now)

He has to try and survive a totalitarian state that seeks to indoctrinate its youth, while also struggling to reunite his family.

Lazy = Stoner


Mans contribution to methane in the atmosphere is a drop in the bucket compared to natural sources.

If you feel threatened Its called a “concealed handgun permit”.

Trainor, infamous for appropriating black culture in her music

Amaze! Hurricane Season!

Thuggish Ruggish Boned by a drone!

Those countries governments should do something about that then.

Like vaccinations cause autism the meat myths will never die.

Who dafuq cares?

Most presidents don’t know shit about shit thats why they have “Advisors” you new to American government?

That clause is there because the entire thing is just a warm fuzzy feel good document; completely unenforceable nonsense. If it were enforceable it would cause global hardship on scale that makes syria look like a minor riot.

Been watching to many movies? We will never “Scorch the earth” that is a dumb thing to say let alone suggest.

Riiiight...looks like some dynamite fishing to me.

Expensive and unreliable wi-fi internet service to round out their land line internet and cell phone service offerings...good idea!

Perhaps now we can finally get out of this last ice age.

I will never give up my driving privileges willingly. Why would i enslave myself to a self driving car? Freedom of movement is a cornerstone of this countries general freedom.

“You will never fill that up!” in the 90ies in regards to a new 1GB hard drive.