Maggoty Bread

Its about damn time means cleaner water for downstream folks since triclosan can’t be removed at water treatment plants.

Or we can move to lessen the waste of our consumer culture and spend more time identifying cost effective efficiencies that are minimally invasive to our way of life. e.g. LED Light bulbs, Hybrid Vehicles, Geo-thermal Air conditioning etc..

All of which could have and has(and most likely is now) in the past happened via natural processes.

Maddie Stone wannabe....

This clearly illustrates base human nature that most university educated people on the left don’t understand.

He lacks credibility; I believe at one time years ago science and understanding was his goal but now he is just another left-wing propaganda mouth piece.

Test Gray Grey.. :/

Upside down is just one of an infinite set of dimensions..e.g. Upside right, right side left, left side down all filled with different slugs.

Still not worth it.

Still not worth it.

As eagles do so do humans.

California a hellhole? say it ain’t so! With the high cost of living, taxes, dumb anti-constitutional laws, coupled to fires, droughts and general Douche-baggery my resentment of Californians invading wherever i have chosen to live(First Colorado and now Texas) has turned into pity for their what amounts to refugee

I would guess that it works best against the darker colored less reflective material coatings. As you can see in the video once the metal is clean it gets reflective and acts as a heat sync preventing the metal from vaporizing.

Those things called Borders that serve the purpose of delineating between cultures and peoples that have in the past or would today be killing each other if they didn’t exist.

The movie second only to Blade Runner in number of times seen be me.

If they weren’t so Damn Evasive!

I don’t get this..why would anyone pester you via email when there is a comment section? assuming that they are not grayed out like i have been suddenly thrust back into for some unknown reason :-/

An enterprising individual would setup a tin foil stand near the gates before the first tour.

So says an obvious bigot(takes one to know one)

Why am i gray now on Gizmodo?

You don’t really need to boil water to make it drinkable pasteurizing works just as well. That’s assuming all you have to worry about is microbes in the water.