Maggoty Bread

it would? who exactly is being charged for crimes that haven’t committed?... oh right COPS are! Gotcha.

So you did exactly the opposite of what the directions tell you not to text and drive too?

Hopefully these are micro adjustments that prevent another big one.

A clear case of atomic appropriation..the injustice!

All the millennial unique snowflakes are weeping...

You mean like this?

Sorry thats a lie academics tell themselves in order to make their world view work. The Basic survival instinct of any given organism in the end always superceeds any perceive higher brain functions even herd animals give up the weakest for the benefit of the herd and you would too if put in the same position i.e.

Yes because Zombies, Plagues and Alien invasions just scream ideology...

Which by taking a look around you can tell that the 1983-2019 climate predictions of Dick (not unlike Mr. Gore) wasn’t even close. So why make those shitty predictions any significant part of the general plot antagonism? Just makes the movie hokey.

You actually believe this nonsense?..our society is doomed.

Until everyone works with “enlightened” self interest

Its funny that the people that say they are for “the workers” are so eager to destroy all entry level jobs in this country; the transitory jobs necessary to create skilled labor that are not worth paying $15 an hour for. Besides its the responsibility of the individual to earn a “Living Wage” not an employer this fact

Hard to be perceived as being in control when as a leader of a large country all you have is facetime to speak to your people.....

You seem to represent the typical Gawker group thinker with your unicorns and rainbows myopia and secret knowledge. Bigots are first to acuse.

Oh sorry! i mistook you for someone that might be bad!(won’t happen again)

Your version of the truth (elitist snowflake reality) for sure!

Thats an interesting observation...remember when Erdogan was steadfastly saying he wouldn’t apologize for shooting down the russian Mig only to come back and kiss the heals of putin after Brexit; i figured he was hedging his bets if the EU Collapsed but..we should never count out Putin and be wary when he wants to

You must be a CIA annalist!

You must be an anti-white islamo-facist truth hurts eh?

and Hillary Clinton wants it all!