Maggoty Bread

And conservatives are the Nazis according to the left....

No one is advocating a pure Free Market system just one with no undue Government meddling. The government should act as a referee and not a parent.

Thats my point...private industry built the air lines initially and there was enough demand to keep air lines viable. When that demand subsided due to competition or other natural market forces those businesses should have been left to fail! But the big government types stepped in and propped up bad business models

Milton didn’t invent the free market economy those ideas existed long before he was around; they didn’t die with him and will always exist. Its just a matter of when the simpletons will listen and use the this fundamental economic knowledge for prosperity rather than let oversized Government bring our society to its

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Free markets are broken because Government has nearly regulated them out of existence Milton explains it best.

Ever hear of Air lines?

I ungreyed your post since you wrote a chapter i respect your willingness to banter even though you can’t help but to resort to name calling.

Were insignificant in comparison to the capital investment of private stake holders and were mainly in the form of land grants. The government could have never build the railroads by itself. Without cares their would be no need to build roads right? again the Government doesn’t doesn’t generate wealth; where do you

It built every single road and tunnel in American where do you think government get its money?

Private industry built the railroads,auto mobiles etc... When a free market is unleashed anything is possible.

Big government at its finest.

And you sound like the typical anti-American, left wing, elitist snob..i would take your brother-in-law over you any day of the week.

1000 man Lego ring...ok.

1000 man colony sounds like a hetero mans special hell.

Pffft! i seen the Rock do this in movie San Andreas!

Disney continues its onslaught to ruin any “specialness” Star Wars had. Watering it down so that they can inject everywhere via marketing where a potential fan may lurk for the express purpose of extracting every dollar from society. R.I.P. Star Wars.

A lot of us grew up without the internet; it not about being a Luddite its about treating the internet as a any other tool...its good for a few things but something that can easily be lived without.

I have been to this region of the usual you have no idea what you are talking about.

Its all sand who cares..

As long as the end result is profit the investors can care less what he calls them.