Maggoty Bread

You know who would make a good rand? Iwan Rheon

government of the people, by the people, for the people” is about as socialist as one can get.

Leftist legislators are stupid...this is news?

It wasn’t a bad movie i wish they would have integrated more of the songs the original had.

“...something conservative and ignorant”

Mow your damn yard hippie!

Socialism at its finest! Viva La Revolucion!

Funny, This looks like typical dick measuring contest coupled with stupidity to me...

Of course he loved it! he experienced a fantasy world where his policies and ideas actually worked and benefited America and the world..oh and Unicorns.

At least the AGW crowd is consistent with their pessimism you will never hear about the benefits of a warming world from them since it detracts from their end goal of global behavioral control.

None of which is abuse; did you have a point other than to emote you inane opinion on how to raise a spoiled millenial child?

48 Hours in a tiny cockpit, no bathroom....Soiling oneself for a solar powered toy airplane...yeah great science.

Life is hard; harder people make it through successfully. I have no sympathy for people that off themselves. Its cowardly and an insult to their ancestors that most assuredly dealt with much worse!

Thats pretty damn lame if its true. Who dafuq lives their lives for friends? Most men i know just deal...shoulder to cry on? LOL!

What man is so insecure as to listen to that crap? White Males have the most artificial roadblocks towards success than any other segment of our society...i have learned to live with it.

Two whoosh! sounds going over your head in one thread..nice!

American Independence day > Earth Day

I’m gunna pop some Caps, i got $20 in my pocket!

Just play cattle futures with the clintons and you will.