Maggoty Bread

Its called deference to authority; universities condition thousands every year to the order. All they have to do is create a believable authority with a corresponding narrative and you can define their world view and exact control of their lives. True individuality and originality(the only tangible threat to it) in

Fixed the headline for you.

Or its has always been there and only recently connected to a symptom. If you only get cold like symptoms then people think its just another cold virus only when something exceptional happens do people start looking for other casuses.

They have always been animals...they were just will get worse.

So how can we get Bill on one of these heading towards Pluto?

So make them leftists that vote democrat?

I heard a “Mac Rumor” they need to hurry up don’t want to have to buy a fire stick

Amazon prime video? that out yet?

Imagine a tour of a haunted house with these on.

Not true the other option is to have Unicorns fart warm fuzzy rainbows at our enemies that openly and often describe how they plan on killing us and our children.

I know what you mean! those people should have staying in their home country rather than leave to become a burden on the people of France.

Nice Troll, America didn’t lose a single battle in any of the theatres you listed. The politicians and the people got bored with the wars that doesn’t make them military defeats.

If it adds to the story then fine. Adding anything to be “inclusive” is just pandering to the current politically correct group think that has poisoned our society and culture. Whats next a paraplegic jedi?

What are the Gnomes names?

Its because Canada exports everything worth taking the country over for...Back Bacon, Hockey, Lumber and Molson.

History of human warefare is shocking? I hope you didn’t pay for your education....

As a conservative i will be watching...if for no other reason than to weep...

Amaze leftist utpoia!

I love how any criticism of #BlackLivesMatter = racism as simple as 1 + 1 = 2.