Maggoty Bread

impressive but everyone knows how they will invade...

Freedom is a messy process sometimes. I think this election cycle has eclipsed political parties.

You of course mean our Republic.

Most ridiculous and oppressive environmental laws in the country

Of course they should have been able to engineer a fail safe for every conceivable failure!...are you really that stupid? People like you in the 60ies would have ensured we never got to the moon.

Just like whacky ol’ 1978 or whacky 1938

Read: I disagree with the majority of Americans politically so our “Democratic” process is a train wreck.

We should ask President Obama for a ruling.

X.....boy thats original! I give them an L for lame!

Or warmer temperatures act as a trigger in the woodrats brain to eat things other that creosote in conjunction with the seasons.

The Muppets et al. died with Jim Henson

Because3mm of rock from one place in Wyoming is proof enough for me!

I doubt Salt has anything to do with this phenomenon she wouldn’t do anything without Peppa.

It sounds like your issue with Obama has to do with that color you keep referring to...

You are talking about a world without humans...yeah....i’ll pass..

Ever hear of fighting fire with fire? what do you think MAD is?

If you want to get totally wasted just drink when he says “Me” or “I”

Losing an argument? and or Stupid? Play the race card!

that “Some” you refer too are Supreme Court Justices do you know how our system of government works?(obviously not). Impeachmnet of a Black President would be political suicide.