Maggoty Bread

I am a big fan of personal responsibility. Ignorance of the law(or what you are getting into) is not a winning defense in my book. That being said in some extrememly rare instances people have to be protected from their stupid selves like illicit drug use.

Makes me want to sneeze just looking at it.

@Satan i really Satan though...just FYI.

Or you put a bounty on Coyotes to thin their population via hunting.

This happens in eastern Colorado quite often.

So you are advocating imprisoning all those people that took on mortgages they could not afford then defaulted and left the taxpayers foot the bill? I can get behind that.

Whats the problem? they use non-organic norovirus and e.coli bacteria?

I’m talking about the American President not the president of Venezuela.

Samuel L. Jackson should stick to subject he knows something about...judging by recent comments he has made he is better off just shutting up.

I store all my X-Ray binaries in /bin.

Don’t you know! Only Apple users own anything worth locking up.

Take away: Night hunting is violent a creepy...know what feral hogs are?

How can there be sensible gun reform when those that are attempting it are complete clueless about guns in general and how they are bought a sold. Gun show loop hole? Dealers loop hole? not sure what that is! i have never bought a gun from either source that didn’t require a background check.

By design! laws of this land come from the legislative branch not the executive..whats next? congress taking up court cases and ruling on them? Madness.

That and people kill people or themselves doesn’t matter how.

I can attest to that having moved from a dry climate to a humid climate foggy windows require a squeegee..

I love the addition of aluminum foil like that would somehow withstand the fires of hell.

We have ~200 years of spotty temperature recordings with about ~75 years of that being somewhat reliable. The planet is estimated to be 4 billion years; even if we say we are only concerned with the last 50k years whose to say whats normal variation and what isn’t?

You dated her too!

Hybridization is a form of Genetic modification thats been done for thousands of years.