Maggoty Bread

So Kylo can use the force to stop a blaster bolt in mid air, forcefully extract information from someone elses brain but can’t seem to dodge a bolt from chewies crossbow or score a hit on an untrained light saber wielding opponent.....

The cave scence on hoth was odd becasue it was added to explain the scars on Mark Hamils face he suffered from a bad car accident.

You summed it up exactly! not weird plot points but gaping plot holes and tired rehashed plot elements e.g. you blew up two progressively bigger death stars but us new guys have a super duper star sucking “lazer” planet 100 times as big. I read that Lawrence Kasdan told J.J. that he needed 18 months to write the

Gotta make it a black thing....

Summary: Humans are violent and brutal....this is a surprise? This was most likely a hapless group of pacifists.

Yet another left-wing meaningless feel good measure. This agreement has no teeth! which is a good thing too because western nations can’t afford any more subsidies for third world shit holes. Besides a treaty isn’t a treaty unless its ratified in congress.

This also means invasive species like wild hogs will move northward....Woo Hoo Hog hunting for everyone!

Can’t unsee the penis.

its a shame good wine doesn’t come in a box....then again Night Train comes in a bottle..

You a Dental Floss Tycoon?

This kind of stuff is exacly why i drink wine by the bottle.

Want to experince a low carbon world? Visit any Amish settlement...that is what it takes.

Suit up Mick Jagger?

“Avaialble” means that you need to live in down town Austin. I guess Google doesn’t know that the paying customers live in the burbs.

You can have a listen for $750 a pop!(its only fair)

Chris Sawyer the rare game programming genius...too many hours of my life spent playing Transport Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon and Locomotion fun hours!

Thats what i was thinking they fire these things only to drop unguided munitions from their bombers(and helicopters in Syria. Makes sense in Russia i guess.

Your definition “smart people” and my definition of “smart people” seems to differ greatly. Regardless the term “Smart” is not a word that could be used to description you....posting on ancient dead threads.

Obviously you have never been to the Middle East....

Being Amish, i am too busy with chores to be online all day.