Maggoty Bread

BCAA Sounds like the name of a micro brew.

Leftist, activist Scientists with political agendas were muzzled? Too good to be true!

She had a long way to fall and unless she learns some new tricks any and all challengers will dominate her as well.

No HALO for Delta?

Well try and get transferred to a rapid deployment post or the 173rd in Italy. Not sure you want to drop into Syria anyway.

I don’t worry about government (or anyone else’s) oppression...i have the 2nd Amendment.

Guns != to Encryption nice try though.

Don’t need more that that in modern times. Hell a single Ranger Det is enough.

Cept it was used in Northern the start of the last iraq war.

There is no such thing a Peace it’s a fairy tale told to children. There is only the time between wars when warriors rest.

Good luck convincing the antisemitic left that lurks here.

Like in Johnny Mnemonic? That would have been cool.

“Kooky” is not the word i would use.....


Never been to Switzerland i see...

Something every Millennial should have!

You can find anything you are looking for on the internet.

History has proven that its foolish to build major cities so close to coastlines. The sea has been rising for the last 30 thousand years or so.

Even considering the fact that such guy was a scumbag for thinking that the best value his life has is to snuff it in the pursuit of killing other people for the corruption of a political ideology poorly disguised as some form of Islam, this is still someone’s death caught on camera.

Its stupid people that believe you can negotiate with savages that results in the greatest loss of life. These people only understand the iron fist.