Maggoty Bread

You don’t uphold the Constitution by willfully ignoring the laws derived from it ; Hypocrit Traitor.

GrimReaperDeath for Yahoo chat rooms whats better than that handle?

There is a proper description for those that believe in AGW..Gullible.

Thats easy, Jim Henson is dead and the Muppets died with him.

Extinctions not exactly(There is evidence some species thrived in the heat) but increased Co2 yes and no humans around to save the world by commiting Social and Economic suicide.

I agree, something like this happens to my kid and the “Drone Operator” would have to have their drone surgically removed from their anus.

Strange this isn’t a Dyson product...

One acronym for you...PETM; Scientists can’t explain it but their is no doubt that anthropogenic global warming is happening now....

World Peace!

I will defer to your personal and first hand experience in that realm.

Need to invest in some mylar...Privacy keeps going POOF!

Life experience trumps statistics nice try.

LOL I am all for trying it! let me stock up on some prepper supplies first though..becasue collapse of society and all.

Nintendo Cube,Sega Dreamcast and a PS2 all tied.

5000 Years from now people will say WTF is all this about? Secret cults? nope a landscape artist (whatever that is).

College though, is not the poverty cure-all that its made out to be i know at least a dozen people with degrees working jobs that have nothing to do with their field of study and which had no baring on their current employment. I also know millionaires with high school diplomas. Its the lie that is told to young

Not defending what VM did but this sort of thing is bound to happen when you have an out of control and antagonistic regulatory agency like the EPA; enough already.

Should have swallowed a cigarette to git r dun in one dose.

Spot highlights the United States’ forte in militaristic robots, but the reveal comes at a time where Asian and European companies are more actively pursuing friendly personal robots designed to live side-by-side humans

He rat out the Aliens spy programs too?