
well every other “group” in this country is full of whiny Pussy’s nowadays, why not the Italians

they can get my money, how is it racist anyway? Languages are not races, they’re languages, Hispanics are not race of people either.

ya liberals are really creepy. Like seriously creepy.

ewww clinton is a disgusting nightmare.

if anything I enjoyed the supreme courts decision today just to see how bat shit crazy cracker ass liberals get about it. Guys maybe stop acting like this really saddens and bothers you so much, it does not affect your life.

whats the point of posting this story, an arbitrary and biased point of view from a immigration lawyer. Do you think she is telling the whole story? No. maybe something else transpired that caused this to happen. But of course those evil ice agents are the problem again.

they should just arrest him for being with black lives matter.

Its wierd how people on this comment board are acting like banning a few muslim countrys from immigrating here temporarily has some profound affect on their lives. it doesnt, you know it doesn’t, stop the fake outrage.

sounds like someone spiked his kool aid.

hahaha Trump still winning. Liberals still crying. its pretty terrific.

jesus can someone take the phrase “social injustice” shoot it in the head and bury it in 10 feet of concrete already. Its pretty exhausting listening to every bad thing that happens to a black person called social injustice when usually its “stupidity”. Nobody cares Nobody cares.

Watching illegals being deported and or separated from their equally illegal kids might also be a healthy option

welfare enthusiast

So are you like 2nd in command of the racist scumbag army right after commander Harriot?

well maybe if you werent such a mouth foaming weirdo people wouldn’t always treat you like an asshole.

Maxine is a pathetic crusty ass alcoholic, that only a weirdo would take seriously. Does she have rabies? every time she speaks there is all this foam coming out of her mouth.

well we are taught as a society now to hate white people

uh oh sounds like another liberal foaming at the mouth. how dare those trump supporters have a good time.

I voted trump because Hillary was a weirdo who smiled like a weirdo every time Trump embarrassed her.

this country is full of crybabys. now even books from the past need to be PC.