
Albanians only do that sign to piss off Serbs, to combat the serbian 3 finger sign 

Unless your opinion is totally liberal deadspin will treat you like a Nazi. Bigot. White supremacist 

Bill Clinton really had it in for the Serbs and really had a hard on for Muslims/Nazi Croats

Lol sicilians in New Orleans at that time we’re not allowed to live in white areas

Only if it was MS13 animal night would desdspin agree it was offensive because it’s racist to call them animals they are humans too

Illegal immigrants are the only people trump has referred to, they are not Mexican Americans, yet strange liberals seem to put them all together for some shitty reason. if I declare that I want illegal Mexican immigrants deported that has nothing to do with how I feel about Mexican Americans. But that’s the liberal

The fact that it bothers you or any creepy liberal that he’s saying something negative about MS13 is really weird. Really Very weird.

Well Pelosi and dems actually did say calling these mutants animals is mean and racist.

No I clearly hate the stereotype. What color is canelo Álvarez ?

Liberals love to practice equality and free speech until it doesn’t agree with their wack job principles. Hypocrites 

Liberals should be very proud that they are a people of equality dignity oh wait it only applies if you agree with everything they believe in. Hypocrisy 

Well maybe since they don’t flood over from Canada it’s not as big of a deal

Doesn’t entering the country illegally constitute a crimson record. What’s the point of having borders if it’s not 

Not all Mexicans are brown that’s a retarded and false stereotype

Muslims in Kosovo destroy serbian orthodox churches and terrorize remaining Serbians who don’t want to desert their land to Islam

No one is hurting these kids, can all you wackos stop pretending like these kids are in torture chambers somewhere. Their parents tried sneaking them into a foreign country and got caught. Womp Womp.

Who are these creepy weirdos?

After the September 11 attacks on the United States, Sinema was involved in organizing a Phoenix-area group called the Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice (AAPJ). According to The Hill, “The group’s mission statement at the time called military action ‘an inappropriate response to terrorism’ and advocated for

cant someone inside the house just dump alot of boiling water on these weirdos?

I love these assholes using the hastag “no human is illegal”