
seriously fuck every one of the those shitty protestors. fucking scum.

its racist to not want illegal aliens coming into the United States?, keep eating your fruit loops ya weirdo.

who gives a fuck about some illegals kids. what about american kids

sad how shitty black people are. making excuses for a scumbag who deserved what he go.

fuck you pussy


Open borders? Funny how blacks think people pouring in from Mexico will actually like blacks, they don’t they really really don’t 

Or don’t run from the police. Pretty simple

Hmm ya an armed criminal running from the cops gets shot dead, OHHH the humanity womp womp

Smart black players see kneeling as bullshit that means nothing, that’s why they stand. Good for Dak, sounds like a grounded dude.

White people don’t fucking care about you kneeling for black idiots who provoke cops to shoot them. They will never care either so fuck your kneeling bullshit over nothing 

Nothing like queers ya got here in San Francisco

Wish he spoke English 

Wahhh it’s racist wahhh lets all cry over something that isn’t racist being racist. Fucking pussy ass deadspin writers Jesus 

Jesus looks like he was filming “4 months a drunk”

Wetbacks are not a race of people 

Mexicans are not a race of people, why is the word racism used. Liberals are dumb as shit wow

Maybe blacks should protest about real things not make believe racism. Their Real problems are that black fathers are absent in their children’s lives and they kill eachother constantly because they have no value on human life. But ya you can get angry at white people if it makes you feel better.

Usually happens when you don’t fight the police 

If he was mexican, blacks would say he was influenced by white country music to do tnis