
i pretty much agree. like, it was a cute “when you’re pretty tired but don’t want to go to bed just yet” “or kind of watch it in bed while doing something else” movie, but it wasn’t amazing. i get that there’s not enough asian representation like that in media, but just bc it’s the one asian movie doesn’t make it

Maybe I was just in a bad mood when I watched this, but I did not see the chemistry or really understand why Wong and Park’s characters wanted to get together. I really liked the story of their childhood and early friendship.

This was covered on The Takeout (y’know, HERE!) and it’s not a big deal/misunderstanding and all cleared-up now?

Thanks for the clicks! Y’all come back now, ya’ hear?

As Henry Rollins once suggested, airplanes should have a "sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up" sign.

I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

These things help

I have averaged one book a week for about 3 or 4 years now. The biggest, best tip I can give is don’t be afraid to give up on a book. I have a general 50 page rule, if I’m not interested by then I give up and start another book. Of course this varies, some books get a little extra, some get less, but the more you read

Because a lot of people live in cities, don’t own a car and and cabs/rideshare are just another transportation option. I’m not trying to have a conversation with the bus driver. Uber isn’t much different.

These are the jokes, son. Gotta keep your head up or they’ll fly right over you!

Two words - epsom salt. Trust me on this one. Increases the soothing factor of the bath 10-fold.

all of which procreated with non-spouse partners

Most libraries don’t need or want your used books. Check with them first before your drop off your garbage.*

Also, plenty of regular-looking people serve. You don't need to be a gorgeous woman to be a server. 

Haha too true. Their jargon is getting fairly arcane at this point, which is perhaps a development we should encourage? There’s a chance it will become so impenetrable that the general public loses interest before they can figure out what the TERF might be trying to say.

But a lot of lunch accounts that are in the negative are there not because the parents can’t afford to pay, it’s because they forget to deposit money. Or they think their kid should get free food like the other kids. 

1. Get a waffle iron.

Projection much? You are on the wrong site.  You need to be over on Slate writing to Prudence.

personally I thought how everyone treated Raquel was disgusting. Even if she’s not bright, or important to the story line. She seemed far more composed and mature than anyone on that stage. Yes, she seems to have a higher value of self (I am a beauty queen!?) with no self awareness... but, so does everyone else on

If I invite you to my house for a free meal, and the first thing you do is try to commandeer the grill because you assume I’m incompetent at the one task required for that meal, you can kindly hit the bricks.