
This story pops up every now and again.. I first heard about baby Ester back in the 70's from an old aunt.. what goes around... we need a museum of appropriation. That shit would be golden just to record the faces of white people as the realize (late, lol) that it’s all appropriation. All of it.

MSNBC: Now With 24 Hours of Morning Joe!

THIS! OMG! My own half-sibling is supporting Trump. It’s even worse as the half we share is white, but my other half is most certainly not. How can my own sibling . . . it’s very disturbing.

Not if the GOP has anything to say about it.

I have no words.

You can pry “The Communists are in the funhouse” from my cold dead hands

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In basically every movie, Leonardo Dicaprio always just comes across as the best actor in a high school theatre production. Which is to say, he’s not *bad.* He’s always just, like, Leonardo Dicaprio in a costume and talking in his “acting” voice.

Well in NBC’s defense, I don’t think there has been enough coverage on this election. Who’s even running? I wouldn’t know. I mean, an analysis of a poignant and provocative music video? Nah, give me more Trump.

I hate this man with the burning fire of a thousand suns

MSNBC has gone downhill, as well as CNN. Are there any good progressive or liberal programs left?

I’m watching because my parents tricked me. They invited me for dinner then surprise, we’re watching the debate!

Does Trump know anything about grammatical structure? His sentences sound like they were translated from English into Latin and then back into English again.

It seems beyond crazy that from the 293 Republican candidates we started with this election season, we have come down to basically Trump, Cruz and Rubio. One of these terrible, terrible people are actually going to be up for the chance to become President of America.

im pretty sure theyve all exhausted their talking points; the only way this will be interesting is if they all start fighting or all start kissing

How sad is Jeb! right now that his parents finally came to a school play and he isn’t even in it.

So Americans and Europeans are now white only??

the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.

British character vs American, perhaps (and, yes, I know that Lorde is from New Zealand but referring to the show).

Bowie had also met Lorde and praised her work.

Perhaps it was not so much about Lorde as that this one actually was about David Bowie; with a montage of David Bowie; and David Bowie’s vocals.