
They were invented in the early 20th century based on bad anthropology and got really popular with lesbian separatists and Dianic Wiccans in the 70s and 80s.

Someone has been reading waaay too much bad 80s sci fi. Or thought that the snu-snu episode of Futurama was a documentary.

We didn’t have anything official like that. Generally I would let people know that we were closing about five or ten minutes out, and then lock the door as soon as I could after 10 and let the stragglers out manually. “You don’t have to leave until you’re finished, but I have to lock the door,” was usually enough to

Fun fact: in high enough doses pennyroyal will cause miscarriage and wreck your liver (please don’t use it to induce miscarriage—it will wreck your liver). It’s also a member of the mint family and shows up all the time in ancient cooking and medicine. Yay for dosage!

I think I had a basically typical (public) US education as a child, and I remember about a day or two of grammar/syntax study. I was an avid reader, so I used good English and could correct most errors, but I didn’t know why it was good until I started studying languages with noun declensions in college and actually

Actually, AFAIK it’s one of the few gendered words (besides names and pronouns) in English. “Blond” is the correct spelling if you’re describing a male (which just reinforces your first point, of course).

The last Starbucks I worked at closed at 10. LIKE CLOCKWORK we’d get a rush at 9:45. I’m still not convinced there wasn’t an alarm somewhere that went off to remind everyone that we were closing soon and they needed to get in NOW for their venti extra caramel caramel frappaccinos.

I’m a little late to the party, but I thought I’d contribute my two cents. My dog costs about $60/mo in food (like other people are saying, don’t buy crappy food), and most of the time that’s it. Costco carries her flea serum for half the price of anywhere else, so that’s $75 every six or eight months. Then the

So, school enrollment is the way we enforce vaccine requirements, so Fiorina kind of sounds like she agrees with the CA law and is just saying it in way that’s more pandering to the tin-foil-hat crowd.

A friend was recently telling me stories about how she (used to? still does maybe?) walks around Dollywood semi-incognito, making sure everyone is taken care of.

Consensual Fetal Blood is the most metal band name.

Illyan is always the shit, second only to Cordelia herself.

Boozy floooaaaat. High five.

You could see if the Alamo Drafthouse (=awesome movie theater that serves food and beer) has any special events going on.


Who’s working on quals/comps/exams? Let’s have a crying party!

There’s a lot of stuff that I’ve seen parts of, like Pulp Fiction and The Exorcist. I only saw Terminator recently and I haven’t seen 2 or 3 at all.

Aside from Enlightenment-era occult (like Freemasonry), 20th century reconstruction, and 19th century Romanticism, a lot of Wiccan (and other American or British Pagan) practice is derived from ancient Celtic and Nordic traditions, with a lot of other stuff. It’s not a reconstruction of that stuff exactly, but that’s

I assumed it’s a quote from the source article, but yeah. Also, bloggers and journalists really need to get used to the shift key when they’re talking about modern Pagans. You don’t say christian or jew.