
Going on ten years now and it’s fascinating. It’s not just capes vs cloaks either. There are the various types of capes and cloaks — for examples, how much of the front is visible? How much does the cape flutter? How short is the cape (short capes are usually reserved for female superheroes) or how long (long capes

Maybe it’s Goodbye and Thanks for all the Krill?

Ladyhawke is awesome

Ministry of Silly Walks animal edition.

Sir, the Federation does have enemies! We must seek them out!
Oh, yes. That’s how it starts. But the road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think. Something is wrong here, Mr. Worf; I don’t like what we have become!

+1 sun dive

No, I’m afraid not. He is currently spending a year dead for tax reasons.

Had you will have been looking forward to it?

Interstellar radio dignals of unusual intensity, you say? Was Hotblack Desatio available for comment?

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was


She’s Tilda Swinton, of course she’s great... :)

Never touch the space booger.

Considering it’s his skin, and not actual garments that he’s wearing, they should have had Vision in different outfits, when they would (sometimes) cut back to him. At one point, during a serious conversation with everyone, Tony just stops mid sentence, turns to Vision and snaps “Will you JUST pick one outfit... for