
Thank you

How did you feel about Swinton in her role? Curious after all the controversy.

The scientists had it coming. I’m rooting for the alien. As usual.

Great 6-words or less sci-fi story!

I can be happy with her being random - the force seems to show up in several species, and that means almost none of them are Skywalkers.

And his parents played his parent in Sherlock:

Are we all in agreement that the book contains the secrets of the Infinity Stones, the Collector has it, Loki will steal it and give it to Thanos, and Starlord will retrieve it and hand it off to Dr. Strange for safekeeping? 

I was ok, until I saw 12 and realized none of them are wearing pants. That’s just too weird for me - which is saying something.

I think it’s a great way to set the expectation with those new to Dr. Strange that it is going to be very different than what they are used to. Also, I hope they do a flashback to the the time when Tilda Swinton was taught by an oriental teacher, just to keep the masses content and we can enjoy the film.

Always thought mine was the Bat Signal.

It’s NBC’s fault for underestimating and adapting to the impact of social media. Stop finger-pointing and get to work!

Time to check on the kiddos...

Love these guys!

Humans are friends, not food.

Yes, please!

Do I hear “Movies”?

Snow White just made my day. Thank you!

The little ones make better pets.

Maybe all of the Atlanteans are actually vampires, which is why they can live under water where there is no light. And why we almost never see them on land.