
I’m beginning to think Chris Pine has “must have action scene requiring a motorcycle” in his contracts. Like how he’s grown as an actor, and yet....

Current Black Widow - unless there is some weirdness if/when she gets her movie. We’ll have to see what they do with new Carol Danvers, too.

Actually, I thought it was a bit of a clever romp: showing drug-induced Sherlock trying to wrap his Asperger mind around his relationship with the women in his life, and set during the time of Freud.

Mars shacks (3-d printed) + Mars snacks (these wonder-veggies). When do we leave?

I am quoting My Little Pony for every situation, starting immediately.

Oh, please not a repeat of this....

Question is the answer

Simon Pegg is a brilliant man. Sulu’s relationship with his husband does not mean that he locked into one gender preference. It means he found someone to love and have a family with, and that is beautiful.

One of the amazing things about team Star Trek is that we are hoping for exactly this future - where humans have gotten past all this stupid stuff and moved on.

So, not this guy? Rats!

And I will be first to sell out the human race. To this guy.

Looks a bit like a Bird of Prey. That just can’t be good news for anyone.

Love the short Star Trek clips: great marketing idea. Visual equivalent of twitter, or trading cards. Just long enough to get the short attention span folks (me) watering at the mouth.

Hang in there - I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you. And maybe cast a spell or two. Good luck!

I volunteer as tribute. Send me to Mars to check it out, and I’ll get right back to you. Also, please make sure I have an io9 feed.

The beautiful song seems to give it a bit more gravitas ala Skyfall, as a counterpoint to the complaints of the Fast and Furious style trailer we got first go. Makes it feel like a different - and better - movie, even though we have a lot of the same images.

Just fell in love with Carl Sagan. Again.

And, of course, the one where the hibernating heroes arrive on time and intact, only to find out that just after they left someone perfected a method of travel to cover the distance instantly, so they arrive on the fully terraformed planet and are utterly useless.