Tell it to the book.
Tell it to the book.
Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.
Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.
Johari, girl, you my hero.
It’s exactly civili disobedience like this that we need. We can spread it through social media and it gets the point across. We also need to keep ourselves from looking bad on social media, which is why the Mizzou protests are so successful. If we win the social media war, we win the war. Pretty simple.
Replying to self to clarify that Method Acting is not even a hint of excuse for treating people poorly. I only meant that I have seen actors and actresses use the Method as an excuse for their own bad behavior. “My character is a racist and I have to embrace that and really LIVE it to understand it.”
That makes sense and their method acting worked well. I was miserable watching Crash.
That movie was WAY more than “about 10 years ago.”
I bet it was Crash. Everyone in that movie was playing fairly miserable characters. Method Acting + miserable characters can turn ugly off camera pretty fast.
I’ve read the director’s bit about why he cast this way, and whilst I do understand it I’m not comfortable with it, partly because it smacks a little of “If you see any racism here then YOU’RE the one being racist” and specifically because the author has said it goes against the intentions of what she wrote.
That’s different, though. Amateur groups do this because they generally don’t get a ton of people of color auditioning for their shows by default and don’t want to do the necessary outreach to get them. This director had a specific political reason why he cast the show the way he did. We can debate whether or not it…
It’s not that white people don’t WANT to cast more Hispanic and black actors in non racially specific parts, it’s just that there aren’t enough of us out there! And the white person just had the best audition. Do you want them to get the part JUST because they aren’t white?
White people flip shit when an entirely fictional character isn’t white. Seriously, test a black Spider-Man or a Latino Batman and see what happens.
Dear Universal,
I know it’s stereotypical to say, but ugh, men.
I’m more offended for her in that her husband stated she is as beautiful as a newborn. Do not compare mothers to shell-less turtle, alienoids.
Everyone so far is wrong. It’s going to be a commenter saying how fiscally irresponsible it was to leave a stranger $50 when you were about to be foreclosed on, if they were better with finances maybe they could keep their house, social Darwinism, etc, etc.
This isn’t just photoshop, this is bad photoshop.
I don’t think it’s a contract issue.