
Is it possible that he/she chose to be a she to avoid being murdered by anti-child molesters? Now wants to be the big girl in a woman’s prison?

After reading more news articles about the actual crime, I’m completely unmoved for a number of reasons.

1. Whatever suffering Morales/China Blast undergoes in solitary isn’t due to her being trans, it’s her being convicted of an absolutely heinous crime than thousands of other people, trans or cis, also go through.

What this person and his “friend” did to that little girl is the act of a sociopath. To hell with them both. Laverne Cox needs to better vet the people who she supports in the future.

There’s something about a child-rapist-murderer that just doesn’t sit well with people, ya know?

Honestly.... I’m all for prison reform but this person deserves a good old case of Nigerian jungle justice (you can google that if you can stomach it). She is a disgusting piece of shit and fuck all of you who continue to give this murder/rapist/heartless piece of trash a platform.

Prison needs reforming, badly. But Blast is a likely murderer, and certainly an accessory to a horrific one. Zero sympathy.

Shouldn’t have Laverne and SRLP done their research into the case before publicly standing behind her???

Yea this article is trash about trash for trash

Amazing to watch tools in the media being used by convicts. So fucking lost in there own nonsense issues they lose complete sight of the whole picture. Shameful article but not shocking this is gawker after all.

My heart aches...

It’s not a reference to the book, it’s a reference to the minstrel show character inspired by the book; a way for blackface entertainers to portray blacks as foolish and grateful to the beneficence of their white owners who allow them far more leisure and luxury than having to be responsible for themselves.

Yeah, not to mention this bit:

Well obviously if the group approaching was all white, they wouldn’t say the “white girls only” thing, so they wouldn’t necessarily know.

What I want to know is, how did this end up being an actual party? Like, more than a couple of frat bros getting together? Because honestly, what self-respecting woman (or person, really) would actually enter that party after hearing this bullshit? As a white woman, I would have turned right the fuck around. Possibly

So apparently the SAE guy turning away POC was a black guy, according to the SAE President?

Oh yeah, that’s not racially loaded at all. /sarcasm

You’re funny and cuckoo bananas.

You were probably on spice at the time, though, so I don't think we can trust your memory.

The experience of POC at ivies is different than that of white people. These environments are usually less welcoming in subtle ways.

What’s weird about it is that they can’t tell him that it’s right there. It’s not about the cookies.