Mafalda patiperra

I’m so, so sorry to hear this. I wish I had the words to make it all better. Loads of hugs for you.

It’s the week-end! Everybody knows that war can wait until Monday!

Oh, what a surprise! A Madonna tweet referencing a time when she thought she was relevant!

Yup, been there after being wined and dined with a nice hot curry. It burns. For a long while.

You work for a relocation agency? Oh, how I love thee! Thank you for existing! Our last move went incredibly smoothly thanks to the relocation agency. It saved our sanity. Thank you!

Good point, and it is not that I hadn’t thought about it. My thoughts are with her family and Gary.

Spent most if my childhood growing up in the ‘80s. My first crush was David Bowie in the Ashes to Ashes video, the first cassette I played until the tape ripped in my player was Purple Rain, the first book that I bought with my allowance was a used copy of Leonard Cohen’s poetry, and my first real role playing game

Yesssss! I got emotionally involved with the main characters. Haven’t had that caring feeling in a while with this franchise.

Stupidly, yeah!

Yup, that’s Beaver Hall in Montreal - kid you not, the name is real -. It can become quite the wind tunnel in the winter time. And as someone else pointed out, it’s a hill. It must have been a mild day followed by a sudden drop in temperatures, and then snow. I’m not surprised about the black ice on that hill, but I’m

This is inspiring!

I couldn’t star you even more if I tried. You get all the stars possible, all the cotton candy, jujubes and kittens available to a single person.

Thank you for this. Reading it over and over again was soothing. Thank you

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic ‘til I’m gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Yes. As much as I hate to say it, fuck Viggo Mortensen. My jaw fell wide open when I saw his interview on Stephen Colbert’s show. Fuck you, Viggo and you can put that self-righteousness and clear conscience up where the sun don’t shine. Four years is quite a long time for the sun to stop shining...

Went to bed confident last night. Have just woken up to the terribly disgusting news (it’s 7.30am here). Right this moment, all I can muster is: sorry. I’m so sorry for you all. Please accept my condolences.

You can also add “Cannot Read” to your list of reasons why Trump is an awful candidate.

30 years? Around 10 girls? He ONLY got 30 years???

Bobby, I think it was Tea Leoni’s cousin and not brother.

Oh lord... I can never unsee that.