Mafalda patiperra

I work in a bar in a small town in Alsatia, France. Many older men come over for their afternoon wine or beer. As is custom, one kisses on both cheeks when someone you know comes in. One time, some 70 year-old, licked my face and said in his sexiest voice, “I like the way you smell”

Wait! Did she put her watch and jewelry back on after surgery or did the medical pratitioners never bother to take them off? Not judging.

His dignity...

Looks like the beginning of a cumulo-nimbus to me... Storm clouds ahead with an 95% chance of bigotry.

I love this show. Love, love, looooove! Never got into How I met your mother, but You’re the worst is a show I could relate to. A friend almost set fire to her apartment with her old corded vibrator as well one time. Damn old appliances! I laughed out loud when it happened to Gretchen. So happy that the new season has

May I embroider this?

Hum. Dude. I’m calm. But now, I’m wondering about you. Thanks for answering though. I’m puzzled as to why you seem to bring out the “this is the US and not Spain” argument. Please remember that if you put something out there about equating a name given to a child and the parents’ parenting style, you’re bound to get a

Uh... Amada means loved in Spanish. Not an uncommon name in Latin America. Wasn’t aware that Spanish names are weird. Also wasn’t aware that they needed to run the name past all of us before naming the baby...

Mitch Hedberg? Is that you?