Mafalda patiperra

My mum always kept a spoon in the bathroom. It was her main eyelash curler. Who knows, maybe the Biebs is also a latina woman with weirdly straight eyelashes.

What is wrong with bangs?

Holy shit!!! That’s Anne-Marie Losique!!! She’s the grand-daughter of one of the founders of the Montreal Film Festival! She was almost movie critic royalty when I was growing up!

Unlike you, I can’t appreciate the effort. Double-thread, uneven stiching and visible knots. Also, what haberdashery would sell her a lighter shade of pink to fix a rip? It’s visible from a mile away. It’s far from flawless. It’s the crotch, girl! Have some respect!

The callus wasn’t just a callus but a water filled bulge that made it difficult for her knuckles to bend. It was cramping her style.

It’s supposedly the best way to hold the writing instrument. It was suggested by a physiotherapist to my eldest daughter that she write this way after a huge bulge-y thing appeared on her middle finger from holding her pens like the ink needed to be squeezed out.

Lemme give it some thought....

Hahaha! No, you’re not the only one!

Totally unrelated:

This may be a cultural difference.

Not classist. Don’t see why you’re calling me a classist. Plastic just don’t cut it.

Who said anything about breaking open the china? Just everyday plates would do. People still use plastic utensils and plates at dinner parties? I thought that was only reserved for huge gatherings or barbecues. Who can properly cut any food with those things?

C’mon! Let’s have hope. If Mélanchon gives the directive to his supporters to vote Macron, he’ll be getting more than 50%. Hamon called to vote Macron yesterday when he conceded the election, as did Fillon.

Sending all the best vibes your way. I hope that you get to hug her soon. 

Hum, have you ever travelled with small children? You need *that* stroller until you get onto the airplane. Also, it ALWAYS takes them a fricking ling time to get that stroller back up to the gate once you’ve landed. If she had to transfer onto another flight, it makes sense that she wanted to keep that stroller near.

Well, you are right, she doesn’t represent any form of feminism be it french or not. However her presence and becoming the head of the party has softened the public image of the Front National. Many of my neighbours will vote for her, I’m sure because, well, they hate the influx of non-white, non-catholic immigrants.

Just a question, so with your logic, Leonard Cohen, a man of jewish heritage, was wrong to use the catholic symbolism?

Whoa! That is the image I did not want in my head: Trump, naked in bed, basking in the after-glow of sex while Putin lights up a cigarette next to him.

It’s been my nickname since childhood thanks to the cartoon.

What a beautiful kitty! I’m so sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you all.