
He looks like armadillo roadkill.

There’s no evidence of an “unwillingness to do anything particularly useful.” You have an interesting fantasy life.

She’s definitely the favorite.

I know! And they just roll their eyes when he invites them to “My mansion” instead of “my home”.

Well, she’s a 4.

Loudly begging the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails isn’t espionage but it doesn’t help that a certain Russian jet owned by Putin’s pal, “The Fertilizer King” somehow ended up on the same tarmac as Trump’s plane during the campaign. And not just in big Las Vegas. Also in some dumpy town in North Carolina, and TFK

Here’s how he gets out of it:

You need an action plan to bring him on board. Men - people - sometimes can’t mentally and emotionally place themselves in these kinds of situations. Sometimes all it takes is him actually being a role model for a boy in some way other than adoption. Get some mentors who know the ins and outs of adoption and start

Yeah. It’s like genetically they both drew the bad Stephen Baldwin card.

You can relax. The game is ATTACK the Daddy and according to the wife, “It’s more terrifying than you might think.” 

Ted Cruz has NO RESPECT for her feelings. I’m so not shocked. A good father would encourage his daughters to not allow themselves to be forced to tolerate unwanted physical affection.

Too much of a compliment.

Pat Robertson - another old sociopathic grifter.

I know! It’s so frustrating.

Mueller won’t comment. Not now.

He can bill hours but can he collect?

He read about it in the WaPo and lashed out. It’s fun to hold his feet to the fire though.

A snake eating itself has a certain metaphysical profundity so I’d go with masturbating monkey as the closer approximation. The goal it’s working toward is infantile, selfish, impermanent.

Yup. You can’t fix Stupid.

We just had a tragic gun incident in Virginia followed closely by a devastating carrier crash that resulted in the deaths of military personnel but Trump can only talk about himself and how “popular” he is.