
Viggo Mortenson all day long.

Viggo Mortenson all day long.

Viggo Mortenson all day long.

What a remarkable man, and triumphal life story. Many supremely talented people are productive contributors to society. Few people, regardless of intellectual brilliance, are able to challenge their own biases as effectively as your beloved grandfather. Very little writing brings tears to my eyes, but your essay

Hebephrenic psychosis, on the other hand is known today as disorganized
schizophrenia. Who knows what her issues were. Difficult to say based on the lit.

Unlike some states, Massachusetts doesn’t have a law that makes it illegal to persuade encourage another person to commit suicide. I’m troubled by what she did - it was grossly immoral and shocks my conscience. But is she legally guilty of something? But I don’t think so. And the verdict could actually end us up on

Speaking of Pence hiring outside counsel, he settled on the divorce lawer who represented the now ex-wife of Tiger Woods. Looks like this administration can’t get higher-tier lawyers.

Bingo! The Senate is supporting Trump totally and completely but for some reason just don’t trust him to conduct foreign policy with Russia.

Donald, Hillary wasn’t for sale. That is why Putin made sure you and not she got installed in the Oval Office. But don’t worry. Robert Mueller is the consummate hedgehog. It doesn’t matter how much you squawk and whine - he’s just going to keep on going, quills out, digging until he gets it all dug. Then we will

Yeah. And he’s also hired a lawyer. To help him cooperate, of course.

It seems this falls to the director.

The old Katy Perry wasn’t a construct, she explained, and she isn’t dead. “I didn’t kill her, because I love her, and she is exactly what I had to do then.”

If I were Melania, I’d get obese right about now, and I would never miss a state function or a chance to appear on TV for an interview. Childish? Sure - but that would really get to him.

I do understand and you have a valid perspective even if I don’t quite agree. I think the tax returns will come out at some point and if after that, there is a weeping eye among the 225 or so coal miners we have left, I would be surprised.

No, but they definitely came out of his pants, which split open and exposed them to the TV cameras. Videos cut off (oops) one frame before that lovely display of Turkey giblets but if you go to Google Images you can find the still photos.

Exactly. If he somehow has to take over, he’s a one (fraction) and done.

It’s fine. Gives me hope, gives me hope.

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It reminds me of when this happened to President Erdogan and you can tell they love him as much as we love Trump:

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What about this one when Erdogan got kicked in the nuts by a horse?

I couldn’t stop smiling when Trump’s lawyer Kasowitz boasted he told Trump, “This guy [Preet Bharara] is going to get you,” and thus got him fired.